Wednesday 4 May 2016

Latest Hair Styles

Men's Hair Styles

If you have a beard than you perhaps find it difficult to match it with the right hairstyle. Not any hairstyle can go with beards but there are several styles that are perfect for your cool beard and will provide you with the best masculine look. So, have a look at the following string of men’s hairstyles 

Backcombed Hairstyle:-
The first one is the comeback hairstyle which is a classy and very elegant hairstyle to be combined with beards and with a classy suit. You’ll surely feel the masculinity it brings. It also allows you have your hair out of your face and adds a touch of seriousness to your entire look. It’s very seductive.

Womean's Hair Styles
Posted by Er Mandeep Choudhary
In today's competitive work world, you have to look and act the part. Thus, for the woman who wants it all, a hairstyle that says "I'm the boss" isn't the worse thing to have (though it definitely takes a back seat to your skill set — don't forget that).

Keep it simple:-
  •     "As women, we’re [unfortunately] not just recognized for our work and how well we can write a report or complete a balance sheet, but we’re viewed, and often even judged, by our looks. Don’t stand out for them, other than to appear professional, clean, neat and well put together. Your hair shouldn’t be too short, funky, spiky or excessively long and filled with extensions, especially as you get older. Clearly, rock stars and celebrities can have some leeway on the latter rules, but in general, simple is best.” - Pritika 
  •  "Powerful women in the workplace are also typically very busy women, multi-tasking many duties at once. This, however, is no excuse for not taking the time to look professional. Having a neat and well-coiffed appearance will exude confidence and importance on the job. Classic bob shapes are excellent for all ages and frame the face while simultaneously coming off as polished and professional.” 

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